New Trends and Fun Baby Shower Ideas

- Retro Baby Showers -

Fun Baby Shower Ideas & Trends

- Blast from the Past -

Out with the new and in with the old! Retro colors and patterns have been coming back in a big way in the past year or 2 and you can see it everywhere from fashion, to home furnishings, and even to automobiles. And yes, those '50s and '60s shades and shapes are even an up and coming trend seen in baby shower invitations, themes, baby clothing and nursery decor.

- What is Hip? -

The latest trend in retro colors include combinations of pastel pinks & blues, kiwi greens, soft browns, and ruddy, earth tones. Stripes are also a signature style of the retro trend. These colors and styles that were big with the baby boomers 40+ years ago convey an optimistic, safe & simple feeling. Yet they are bold & dynamic colors and patterns, which is a perfect union between the traditional 1950's ideals and the emerging 21st century sensations.

There is a little bit of Retro in all of us!

These colors and patterns make for darling baby shower invitations. Bright & fun, with sharp, clean patterns. Simple but very sweet! Here are a few examples of Retro Baby Shower Invitations that you could use for your baby shower:


fun baby shower ideas


Fun Baby Shower Ideas

Baby Boy Retro Invitations        Baby Girl Retro Invitations


Fun baby shower ideas


fun baby shower idea

  Boy, Girl, or Twins Retro          Boy, Girl, or Twins Retro


Fun Baby Shower Ideas for Retro Decorations

Use retro colors (mainly a pastel brown with either a light blue or light pink color combo) in your decorations. Buy streamers and balloons that have those colors and your party will look decidedly 'Retro'. Use Retro colors for your napkins, tablecloth, and plates. Finish it off with a fun baby shower idea by hanging up a clothesline in the middle of your party room and hanging up baby onesies, socks, shirts, sleepers, & blankets - all in retro patterns & colors. This "clothesline" look screams 1955 when every house in America was hanging their laundry on a line.

The Retro trend is here to stay for a while because there is a little bit of retro in all of us. Combinations of pink, greens, light blues, and browns become each one of us. Your Retro baby shower invitations & decorations will reflect the optimistic & fun feel of the colors they bear.

It is no wonder that Retro colors &
patterns are so 'Today'!


Click here for more fun baby shower ideas ...

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