diaper bike

by irene
(Napoli, Italia)

We love hearing from our readers who are across the ocean! This creative diaper cake creation comes directly from Irene in Italia. Bellisima!

Our readers have put their heart and soul into these diaper cake creations and then they share them with us! We have the best readers in the world who are paying it forward, year after year, to help the rest of us. And Irene from Napoli is one of them! Her diaper cake bike is SO creative and so cute! Irene, grazie! Ben Fatto!

Irene's Comments:

hi! that's the first diaper creation i made and it was pretty simple! I'm italian and here it's still a news.. hope my expectant friend will like it :)

i used:

27 diapers to make the wheels;
a bathrobe as handlebar;
a feeding bottle;
a pair of sock;
a bib;
some ribbons


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Nov 02, 2015
Cool idea
by: Nasim

I like that idea of making a diaper bike

Oct 22, 2015
good post
by: Amy

very interesting idea

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