Brooke Shields Baby Showers

Brooke Shields Celebrity Baby Shower

Brooke Shields Baby Showers

Brooke Shields is not only an actress and Hollywood model, but she is also a model for many mothers. Her struggle with and eventual control of Postpartum Depression is an inspiration to many mothers who have dealt with such a difficult problem.

There has been talk of 3 different baby showers for this Model Mom:

The first shower is spoken of by Brooke herself in her book "Down Came The Rain", a book about her Postpartum Depression. She was pregnant with her 1st child, Rowan, "On the day of our departure from Los Angeles, my father gave up his fight against prostate cancer. I was at the dog park, trying to tire out Darla before our long flight east, when my cell phone rang. It was Diana, my stepsister, instructing me to tell my father whatever I wanted or needed to, because the end was near. Trying to sound calm, I told him I had always felt lucky he was my father and that I didn’t want him to be scared. He couldn’t respond, but my younger sister, Cristiana, said he wiggled his toes. Three hours later, with the entire family around him (except me), my dad left this earth. With very little time to process the information, I got on the red-eye with my husband, dog, and huge belly and cried all the way to New York.

"We arrived in Manhattan early the next morning and had only a few hours to sleep before our co-ed baby shower was to occur in our new apartment. The place was the perfect site for a party because the only furniture we had was a bed, an armchair, a table, and Chris’s old dresser from childhood. The party was lovingly given by a group of our friends. When they asked if I wanted to cancel the event because of my loss, I said my dad would’ve wanted it to go on. We made it a celebration of life, and in my mind, I pretended my father was simply still in Palm Beach. The shower was bittersweet but quite beautiful, and I’m sure Dad would’ve made a great toast. Rowan arrived a day before my dad’s birthday, and I know he would have considered her a wonderful gift." (1)

The 2nd baby shower was given with her 1st child as well. For this large event, "maternity fashion designer Liz Lange and Target (which carries her line) threw Shields an 80-guest party with a Lange fashion show and a giant sprawl of carnations on the lawn of a pal's Malibu estate spelling out "It's a girl!"-with a Target logo dotting the "i." (2)

The 3rd baby shower is only just a tidbit of information: Sometime during her current pregnancy with her 2nd child, Brooke Shields was the guest of honor at a baby shower thrown by her former castmates from the Broadway musical "Chicago". (3)

(1) "Down Came the Rain : My Journey Through Postpartum Depression" Brooke Shields, Hyperion, 2005.

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