Baby Sculptures

by Rhonda A
(Dublin, VA)

Give each shower participant a mini container of Play Doh and a slip of paper with some type of baby object written on it, along with a piecce of paper and pen. The participants are to keep their object secret. Each person must use the Play Doh to sculpture whatever baby object they recieved. When everyone is done sculpting, go around the room and have everyone show their baby sculpture one by one. Everyone is to write down what they think each sculpture is. Points are awarded as one point for each one you guess right and one point for each person who guesses your own correctly (so you get points for being a good guesser as well as a good sculpture!) Person with the most points wins. I've done this game at 2 different showers and everyone laughed and had a ball. Some suggestions for objects to sculpture are Rattle, Diaper, Pacifier, Bottle, Baby Bootie, Stork, Baby, Onesie, Baby's First Tooth, Teddy Bear, etc. You can think of your own.

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Oct 14, 2015
Baby Shower
by: Lori Jensen

This Baby shower game is very interesting. I hope my guests will have fun as you wrote. I'll write later how it was.

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